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Why V-Diet

V Diet is all about its name, V do the diet together.  I am with you as a mentor , to guide you and educate you about how simple and medicinal diet can be. It will treat you and change you from within.
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Hair is an important asset as it gives you great confidence. You need to take care of it, having almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds , Egg will help you manage your hairfall bettar and have healthy hair. HAIR is also a genetic asset from people to people. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for personalised diet plan.  

Addiction & what is it?

 Addiction is the thought process, where we become slaves to a particular habit /behaviour/object/commodity. It important to understand that you are addicted ,then only you can work on it and not give it the power to rule you. I feel addiction is doing something so repeatedly that after a point you can live without doing it, never get addicted to things that will harm you physically and mentally. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for personalised diet plan.

Childhood obesity a concern

  Childhood obesity is a major concern as it can lead to asthma, type 2 Diabetes and heart problems. This can also lead to mental and behavioural problems as well. In long tern childhood obesity will lead to obese adults in the future. So taking care of childhood obesity in the early stage and doing the needed intervention is important and much needed. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.

Take care of yourself

  Following a well balanced diet plan is one of the ways you take care of yourself, doing a regular workout regime for a minimum of 30 minutes will again serve the same purpose. Taking of yourself means taking care of your loved ones, as you will be fine you will be able to take care of everyone around you. Take care. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.

Long term coffee consumption increases risk of CVD

Coffee is most widely used hot beverage. It is is generally considered to be beneficial and safe for health.Heavy coffee consumption can be correlated with increase risk of heart problems but this association is affected by genetic variants. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.  

Headache associated with Acidity

Acidity is acid reflux and characterised by heartburn, headache and pain in the lower chest. This happens when stomach remains empty for a long period of like like due to fasting, forgetting to eat etc. The acid that develops in the stomach goes up in the food pipe and causes the above symptoms. When the acidity develops in the body it sends signal to your brain stating that it is hungry or has been empty since a long while. There are different ways in which the body takes care of itself and talks to us. Headache can also be due to various other reasons like your lack of sleep or incorrect eyeglass prescription. When this type of headache occurs as soon as you eat something it goes of in the next 20 mins. In few cases remedies like ginger, cloves, cinnamon, buttermilk etc may be needed to take care of it. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised Diet plan.

Balance diet plan vs Crash diet plan

Balance diet plan:- This plan has a balance of the Macro nutrients and micro-nutrients as per the requirement of the patient.You may feel you are having a lot of meals, but its the need of the body that the Nutritionist plan for you. Very important is to trust the nutritionist and follow what she says , you will definitely see amazing results.The weight loss tat happens like this will be maintained for a long period of time.Crash Diet plan:-In case of these diet plan there is a possibility that one of the food groups or more than that is eliminated from the diet, this can lead to some medical condition related to the deficiency as per the diet. The weight that you lose will not be maintained for a long duration for time, it will bounced back and effect you physically and mentally both. You may end up losing confidence on diet.There may be times that a nutritionist will ask you to do crash diet for a day or so, when your bosy achieves plateau. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for

New Goals

ts always important to take the first step. Positive thoughts and taking the decision that will guide you on the right path. Well balanced diet and better lifestyle will help you in achieving your target. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.

Constipation During weight loss

Constipation is related to mainly the combination of fiber and water intake of an Individual. There are many factor that influence constipation, mainly the fiber and water intake. We need to have about 25gms of fiber per day in the diet ,but we do consume about 15gms everyday .  About the water intake again it varies from day to day. If the water intake is less the body drains water from the colon and dehydrate it , which leads to constipation and problem in the bowel movements.  Normally the bowls need to clear 3 times in a week, but this also can vary if the person has a habit of passing stools daily as per the persons routine. When we start a new diet like low carb or high fat diet, the body goes through a change in the fiber content so it can face constipation , but within few days it will get back to normal as the fiber and water intake will be regulated. Even probiotics can help in reliving constipation.  There are certains food that act as laxative can also be included in the di

Healthy Combinations

Combination of Rice and Beans in case of vegans plays an important role in contributing the protein requirement of the body as they dont take animal protein source. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised Diet plan.


Cardamom may help reduce hypertension, most likely due to its diuretic properties and as it is antioxidant rich. Some elements in cardamom can fight cancer.The antioxidant compounds in cardamom may help protect cells from getting spoilt and slow down and reduce inflammation.Cardamom may take care against digestive problems and has been shown to decrease the count and size of stomach ulcers.Cardamom is often used to protect from bad breath and is a component for few chewing gums. Cardamom might be able to kill common mouth bacteria and help fight cavities.The essential oils and extracts of cardamom may be effective against a variety of bacterial strains that contribute to fungal infections, food poisoning and stomach issues. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.

Lose belly fat/Thunder thighs

As unfair as it may seem, we can’t decide and select from where we gain or lose weight . When the body goes through fat loss,it happens it is lost throughout the body. Focusing on one area of the body when exercising may develop better muscle tone in that area but it will not remove more fat.                          Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID on myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.

Healthy Combinations

  Combination of Tomatoes and olive oil will help the body to fight medical problems. Call on 9321590949 or skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.

No Treats

Dis-associating yourself of all the foods you love won’t work. You’ll fall prey and give into temptation and give up your efforts. You can allow yourself to be treated once in a while and be healthy.
It doesn’t matter when you eat if you are not eating too much – a calorie is a calorie at any time of the day. It's beneficial for your digestive system not to eat a bulky meal before you go to bed but a late dinner will not make you any fatter than an early one. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised Diet plan.


Oregano is rich in nutrients and contains compounds that have been shown to decrease the cancer cell growth. Thymol  and Carvacrol are two compounds found in oregano that have been shown to restrict the activity of some harmfu ll Virus. It   is high in antioxidants, which may decrease inflammation. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.

Beauty in your hands

The V-Chat will focus on the Skin and Hair issues that we are facing being at home.  How we can take care of it in a better way?   This chat will guide you with different outlook and make you do things for yourself and feel more rejuvinated .   This week on V-Chat we have Sharmila Asher will discuss the aboves issues in detail and guide you to manage it.she is a Cosmetologist with rich experience of 22years in skin , hair and spa Industry. She has worked with the biggest of the brands in the past 20years and additionally has international exposure of the industry. Skin , hair and make up being her passion has helped others with various issues related to the above. She is fitness freak has maintained her own fitness level by following regimes in both fitness and diet.

Food Restrictions

If you eat nothing but green salad or oranges all day long for 7 days you will, of course, see weightloss. But these fad diets that drastically cut calories will quickly become boring and won’t be effective when doing it for longer period. It’s not necessary to remain hungry to lose weight - making small changes that you can stick to is the key to long-term success. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for personalised Diet plan.


Despite its reputation for being a complete zero on the nutritional scale, iceberg lettuce provides significant amounts of vitamins A and K. It also has small amounts of many other healthy nutrients.  Although it’s low in fiber, it has a high water content, making it a refreshing choice during hot weather.  It also provides calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and folate. The nutrients in iceberg lettuce can help you to meet the standard daily requirements for several vitamins and minerals. They include: Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps keep your immune system healthy. Calcium, which keeps bones and teeth strong. It also supports muscle function, nerve function, and blood clotting. Vitamin K, a vitamin that works with calcium to prevent bone fractures. It’s also integral for blood clotting. Vitamin A (as beta carotene), a powerful antioxidant that helps to maintain night vision and eye health. It also supports cell growth. Folate, a B vitamin that helps


Nutritional Value Calories: 96 Water: 73% Protein: 3.4 grams Carbs: 21 grams Sugar: 4.5 grams Fiber: 2.4 grams Fat: 1.5 grams Corn is mainly composed of carbs and fairly high in fiber.  It also packs a decent amount of low-quality protein. Corn is a good source of many vitamins and minerals.  Popcorn tends to be higher in minerals, while sweet corn tends to be higher in vitamins. Corn provides higher amounts of antioxidants than many other cereal grains.  It’s especially rich in eye-healthy carotenoids.Popcorn is a type of corn that pops when heated.  It’s a popular snack food that’s categorized as a whole-grain cereal.  To maximize its benefits, make homemade popcorn without oils or additives. As a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin, corn may help maintain your eye health. Corn contains phytic acid, which may reduce mineral absorption. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.


Broccoli Nutritional Value:p- Carbs: 6 grams Protein: 2.6 gram Fat: 0.3 grams Fiber: 2.4 grams Broccoli is a rich source of multiple vitamins, minerals and fiber. Different cooking methods may affect the vegetable’s nutrient composition, but broccoli is a healthy addition to your diet whether cooked or raw. Broccoli contains multiple potent antioxidants that may support healthy cells and tissues throughout your body.Multiple studies have shown that cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, may have a cancer-preventative effect. Eating broccoli may lower blood sugar and improve diabetic control. This is likely related to its antioxidant and fiber content. Specific bioactive compounds in broccoli may have a protective effect on brain tissue.  Broccoli provides an excellent source of vitamin C, a nutrient known to support healthy immune response. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.


Nutritional value Calories: 33 Carbs: 7 grams Protein: 2 grams Fat: 0 grams Fiber: 3 grams Okra is rich in many nutrients and particularly high in vitamins C and K. This fruit is unique, as it provides protein, a nutrient that many other fruits and vegetables lack. Okra is rich in antioxidants that may reduce your risk of serious diseases, prevent inflammation, and contribute to overall health.  Most notably, it contains polyphenols that may contribute to heart and brain health.okra may bind to cholesterol in your gut and lower blood cholesterol levels. It’s also rich in polyphenols, which fight harmful inflammation and protect your heart. Call on 9321590949 or Skype ID myvdiet for Personalised diet plan.

Healthy Combinations

Comparison between Rice and Beans. Call on 9321590949 for Personalised Diet plan.

Healthy Combinations

Comparison between Tomatoes & Olive oil. Call on 9321590949 for Personalised Diet plan.

Green Tea & Lemon

Comparison between Green tea & Lemon. Call on 9321590949 for Personalised Diet plan.